I check the HUD to make sure I have the altitude I need push over.
互联网Winning that match was a push - over.
辞典例句I've got a new job at th factory and it's a real push - over.
互联网I was never one to speak my mind, and usually was the push - over growing up.
我从来没向别人表达过我的想法, 一直都是被人“推着”长大.
互联网Climb to a thousand feet. power ahead first, then push over, flapping, to a vertical dive.
爬高到一千尺, 全速向前直飞, 然后低头向下 、 鼓翼 、 垂直俯冲.
互联网Getting money from her is easy she's a push - over.
挣她的钱很容易 -- 她是个好说话的顾客.
辞典例句Grammar is a push - over course.
互联网Several children is push over in the rush to leave.
互联网Have you played snooker with Tim yet? He's a push - over.
你和蒂姆玩落袋撞球游戏 吗 ?他的水平极差,很容易击败.
互联网Loli has three good points : small body , soft waist, and easy to push over.
loli 有三好, 身娇腰柔易推倒.
互联网Full power straight ahead first, then push over , flapping, to a vertical dive.
他先是全速前进.然后一转身,拍着翅膀, 垂直疾降.
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